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Q: Why can a wave make a leaf bob up and down in the water but it cannot move to leave towards the shore?
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What does a 40 foot tide mean?

A tide is when the water moves towards the shore and away from the shore. A forty foot tide means that when the tide is high, the water will move onto shore, forty feet.

What do you mean by tide?

Due to the moon's gravitational pull on the big oceans water will move away and towards the beaches at a certain interval, and these are called tides. When the water is pulled towards the shore you get high tides and when water is pulled away from the shore you get low tide.

What direction does an undertow flow?

An undertow flows away from the shore, toward the open water.

Will the water along a shoreline flow towards the sea just before a tsunami crashes on shore?

As a tsunami approaches the shore line the huge wave sucks the water in front of it out to sea towards the tsunami helping build the wave even larger as it gets to the shore. There are pictures showing the ocean bed almost completely without water just before the tsunami hits.

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Some jellyfish stings are dangerous to humans.

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Gravity pulls objects towards the center of earth's mass. Hence water falls down towards the floor.

Can a shark stay out of water?

If you are not in the water, don't go in. If you are in the water, remain calm, do not splash or thrash around. Leave the water as quietly as you can. Because if you splash you will cause attention towards yourself. Also try not to bleed sharks love blood that's what also attracts them. But dont just wait in the sea all day swim very slowly to shore

In Zelda how do you swim with the cradle?

1) Push it towards the shore, get out and quickly pick it up. 2) Jump across the ledges and don't fall in the water.

What happen to a tsunamis as they moved towards shore?

as the water becomes more shallow the wave becomes bigger then once it peaks, its usually on land and collapses

How the wind can makes waves?

The wind blows over the sea and causes small ripples. The water is forced into elliptical cycles which travel towards the shore.

Is the titanic up on shore?

No, It is not on shore it is still in the water.

Does water speed up decomposition?

Yes. because water breaks down the papers structure and also makes it weak. then when it dries it's smaller then it was before. and more brittle too. not shore if you leave it in the water if it will be as fast but I'm shore it will decompose over time