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Q: Why can dialysis work on blood far away from the kidney?
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I think you mean Dialysis. Dialysis filters blood in your kidney for you when you go under kidney work or your kidneys doesn't function like its suppose to. You usually can live off of one kidney, but if your last kidney goes out(Kidney Failure) then they can you up to a dialysis machine and filter your kidneys for you. Hope this helps =]

How does the equilibrium dialysis work?

Dialysis is the process of cleaning waste products from the blood when the kidneys fail. Without dialysis, all patients with kidney failure would die from the buildup of toxins in the bloodstream. Presently there are two types of dialysis: hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis.

What is dialysis used for?

The human body has two kidneys that act as filtering agents of the bloodstream. When there is kidney failure, there is no filtering in the bloodstream and some of the toxins and/or chemicals are again flowing through the body. Dialysis is the filtering of the blood in place of the kidneys to remove those toxins.

What will happen when kidneys stop functioning?

Total and permanent kidney failure is called ESRD. If a person's kidneys completely stop working your body fills with extra water and waste . It's called uremia. Hands or feet might swell and you will feel tired and weak because the body needs clean blood to function properly. Untreated uremia may lead to seizures or coma and will ultimately result in death. A person whose kidneys stop working completely will need to undergo dialysis or kidney transplantation.

Why would you need to get a kidney transplant?

If a kidney does not work properly, some patients are put on dialysis, a machine that will do the work of the kidneys - filtering germs and other things from the body. Other times, people receive a kidney transplant. This is when the kidney of someone else is put into your body to work for you.

What 3 things can doctors do for a person whoes kidneys do not work properly?

Dialysis is the line of treatment most common. There are many different forms that are worth investigating such as peritoneal dialysis. Other illnesses or co-morbidities that are often associated or caused by kidney disease such as alterations in blood pressure and anaemia are treated accordingly.

Why would damage kidneys affect your health?

The kidneys filter waste products from the blood, so if they don't work properly, you are essentially poisoned by your own cell waste. Kidney failure results in death if you don't get a transplant or undergo kidney dialysis frequently.

Why would damaged kidneys affect health?

The kidneys filter waste products from the blood, so if they don't work properly, you are essentially poisoned by your own cell waste. Kidney failure results in death if you don't get a transplant or undergo kidney dialysis frequently.

What can you do if your kidney fails?

People who have kidney failure, which is when 90% or more of the kidneys do not work, must be on dialysis. When kidneys fail the body cant cleanse the body of waste. The persons blood will become toxic and the person will die without dialysis or a kidney transplant. That's just with kidney failure. Of course you can live with only one kidney. Say you only had one kidney, that one kidney would have to be over 50% damaged before a person would possibly need to be on dialysis. To simply answer your question, you could have no problems with a damaged kidney, but failed kidneys will cause death.

How the mental state of a person who has only one kidney?

The presence of only one kidney should not change the mental status of a person, unless they have progressed to renal failure. In that case their kidney doesn't work and toxins are building up in the blood. In end stage renal failure, the person needs to be on dialysis.

Does the liver work with the heart?

well the blood is pumped from the heart to the kidney so the kidney cleans it therefore a heart can work with the kidney

What important biological concept and processes are involved in carrying out kidney dialysis?

Approximately 1,500 liters of blood are filtered by a healthy person's kidneys each day. We could not live if waste products were not removed from our kidneys. People whose kidneys either do not work properly or not at all experience a buildup of waste in their blood. Without dialysis the amount of waste products in the blood would increase and eventually reach levels that would cause coma and death. Dialysis is also used to rapidly remove toxins or drugs from the blood.