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In a solid there are covalent bonds between atoms. These bonds are created by sharing electrons and are very strong. This prevents the atoms from moving. They are capable of only vibrating in that position.

In a liquid, the bonds are only created by ends of molecules being partially charged. These may be polar bonds when one end has a permanent charge due to an atom having a greater attraction for electrons. The uneven charge distribution creates bonds when ends of molecules with different charges attract each other.

If the molecule is symmetric then dispersion forces create temporary bonds due to a temporary charge distribution as electrons move around. These polar and dispersion forces are not as strong so the bonds break all the time and the molecules may roll around each other.

In gases there aren't any bonds so the molecules just fly and bounce around.
When particles have very less attraction for each other, they tend to move more freely and also that's why the liquids also tend to flow.

A liquids resistance to flow is known as the liquids viscosity. Honey has a high viscosity. Water has a lower viscosity. The slower liquid flows, the higher viscosity is. The viscosity results from the strength of the attraction between the particles of the liquid. For many liquids, viscosity increases as the liquid becomes colder.

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In the liquid, the particles are not compact but in a solid, the particles are compact.

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Q: Why can fluids flow and solids cannot?
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