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I guess you mean how can heat travel through space. It is a good question because we know space is very cold. Radiation is a wavelength that when it hits solids objects creates molecular vibration, which causes friction which in turn produces heat.

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Q: Why can heat travel through space by radiation?
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Does heat travel through empty space by conduction?

No, there can't be conduction in empty space. Heat may travel through empty space through radiation, though.

Can heat travel through space?

Yes, it is called radiation.

How does radiation travel through space?

because of heat waves :-)

How does radiation from the sun travel through space?

Radiations from the sun are able to travel through space because of the heat waves.

What is radiation in heat terms?

Radiation is when no atoms or molecules are involved in the transfer of heat or energy. This is when energy can travel through empty space . Ex:sun heats earth through space;radiation.

How is heat transferred through space?

heat is transfered through space by radiation.

Can heat radiation travel through a vacuum?

Yes, think of the radiation from the Sun, it must travel through the vacuum of space to warm our own planet Earth.

What is energy that can be transferred through empty space?

heat or light radiation can travel through a 100% vacuum

Is outer space a conductor of heat?

Heat can travel through outer space as radiation. However, space is more or less a vacuum, so it's not a conductor of heat.

How is heat transferred through empty space?

Light energy, like from the sun.

What is the transfer of heat through space by heat?

The sun gives off radiation, which can travel through space, and is later converted into heat when it contacts matter (Earth, space crafts, astronauts, asteroids, ect.).

Why can you feel the heat of the sun even though it is so far away?

Because of radiation. Radiation is a form of heat travelling, and this type of heat would travel in radiation waves through space.