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Gemma Graham

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3mo ago

Liquids can disappear from landfill sites through a process called leachate. When rainwater or other liquids come into contact with the waste in a landfill, they can dissolve and carry away various chemicals and compounds, creating a toxic liquid known as leachate that can seep into the surrounding soil and water sources. Additionally, some liquids may evaporate over time, especially if the landfill is not properly sealed or covered.

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Q: Why can liquids disappear from landfill sites?
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Why are liquids not taken to landfill sites?

Liquids are not taken to landfill sites because they can leak and contaminate soil and water sources, leading to environmental damage and health risks. Additionally, liquids can produce unpleasant odors, attract pests, and create potential hazards during the landfill management process.

Importance of pH level in landfill sites?

pH level in landfill sites is important because it affects the rate of decomposition of waste, generation of landfill gas, and the leachate quality. Maintaining a proper pH level helps in controlling odors, minimizing the production of harmful gases, and ensuring the stability of the landfill structure. Monitoring and adjusting pH levels can mitigate environmental risks and improve the overall management of landfill sites.

Why is the disposal of polymers by incineration and in landfill sites?

Disposal of polymers via incineration is done to reduce the volume of waste and generate energy. Landfill disposal is used when recycling or incineration is not feasible, contributing to pollution and greenhouse gas emissions. Both methods have negative environmental impacts and should be minimized through waste reduction and recycling efforts.

What are some uses of land?

Some common uses of land include agriculture, commercial development, residential housing, industrial sites, recreation and conservation areas, transportation infrastructure, and natural resource extraction. Land can also be used for purposes such as landscaping, mining, landfill sites, and renewable energy projects.

What is the name of the liquid that can seep from landfill site?

The liquid that can seep from a landfill site is called leachate. It is formed when rainwater filters through the waste, picking up various contaminants along the way.

Related questions

Why don't we put liquids in landfill sites?

because it will spill everywhere

Why cannot liquids be taken to landfill sites?

because they can cause hazards

Why are liquids not taken to landfill sites?

Liquids are not taken to landfill sites because they can leak and contaminate soil and water sources, leading to environmental damage and health risks. Additionally, liquids can produce unpleasant odors, attract pests, and create potential hazards during the landfill management process.

Why do liquids and gases cause problems on landfill sites?

Because they can kill plants and can be toxic

How many landfill sites are in Devon?

There are three (3) landfill sites in Devon :) x

How many landfill sites are there is in the UK?

There are over 4000 landfill sites in the UK.

What Objects can not be put in landfill sites?


What are the advantages to burying the waste in landfill sites?


Where are the closed landfill sites in Bakersfield?

Yes, of course there are.

What are the disadvantages of waste landfill sites?

everything lol

Importance of pH level in landfill sites?

pH level in landfill sites is important because it affects the rate of decomposition of waste, generation of landfill gas, and the leachate quality. Maintaining a proper pH level helps in controlling odors, minimizing the production of harmful gases, and ensuring the stability of the landfill structure. Monitoring and adjusting pH levels can mitigate environmental risks and improve the overall management of landfill sites.

What chemicals flow out of landfill sites?

Natural gas or methane