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why is it sodium chloride has the highest melting temperature

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Q: Why can metal be hammered without breaking?
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Gold is a malleable metal What does this mean?

It can be bent, reshaped, and hammered without breaking.

What are malleable metal?

Mercury is the metal that is not malleable at room temperature. Malleability refers to the property of the metal to be worked on, shaped and hammered without breaking.

The ability of a substance to be hammered Without breaking?

Malleability :)

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Matter that can be hammered without breaking is said to be?


What is the property of something that can be worked or hammered or shaped without breaking?


What is the definition for malleable?

Able to be hammered or pressed permanently out of shape without breaking.

What is malleability ductility?

Malleability is how malleable an object is, for example a metal is malleable as it can be hammered or bent into different shapes without breaking. Ductility is how ductile an object is, again many metals are ductile as they can be drawn or pulled into a long strand of wire without breaking.

Can nickel be hammered into a shape?

yes it can be hammered into place because it is a metal but non-metal can not be hammered into shape.

What is does malleability mean?

Malleability is commonly referred to when talking about metals. IT means that the metal can be hammered into a shape without breaking. It also has the property of being able to be rolled or pressed into a sheet easily but will deform if compressed.

What is the ability of a substance to be pounded into shapes or molded?

malleability is the ability to be hammered into thin sheets, and ductility is the ability to bend without breaking

What is mean by malleability of a metal?

Something that is malleable can be hammered or rolled (deformed) into very thing sheets without tearing or breaking apart. We find that gold is wonderfully malleable, and this metal can be hammered into sheets thinner than a human hair.