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Malleable , malleability is the ability of a metal to be hammered into thin sheets.

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Q: What is the word for metals that can be hammered or bent?
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Can metals be bent and hammered into shape?

yes metals can be shaped with a hammer because metals ate not brittle.

Sentence for malleable?

able to be bent or otherwise changed in shape

What is the ability to be bent flattened or hammered without breaking?

Metals, when heated appropriately, can be both rolled flat and hammered into shapes. The whole art of swordmaking is based on this, as is the art of's malleable

What can be hammered into sheets?


What is the name of the group of elements that can be hammered into thin sheets of metal?

it would be transition elements/metals, as they are malleable metals, meaning they can be hammered into shapes.

What is hammered toes?

its when your toes go a little bit bent

Substances that can be hammered or rolled into sheets are?

Malleability. Hammer an object to thin sheets. Aluminum foils as an example

What property does malleabilty describe?

Malleability is the ability to be bent,flattened,hammered,or pressed into new shapes without breaking.

What metal can be hammered into sheets?

There are a number of metals that can be hammered into sheets, and gold is the best of them. It is the malleability of metal that allows it to be hammered thinly, and a link to that related question can be found below.

Gold is a malleable metal What does this mean?

It can be bent, reshaped, and hammered without breaking.

Metals are said to be malleable because?

they can be hammered or rolled into shapes

What mineral can be stretched hammered or molded without breaking?
