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because some animals need different kinds of nutrient's, like pandas, they eat bamboos which has lots of fibre. some animals cant eat types of food, like dogs throw up grass and cows eat grass. Humans appendix's are sometimes taken out, but they were once second stomachs for eating grass.

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Omnivores need insects or other sources of protein as well as plants. They could survive, but animals proteins are important to their diet.

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11y ago

Omnivores survive on vegetables and plantation aswell as meat products to survive, many humans are Omnivores, unless they choose to be a vegetarian (doesn't eat meat)

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Q: Can all omnivores survive eating only plants?
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How does a herbivore get the energy it needs to survive?

eating only plants

What is a aniamal that eats plants and aniamals?

If it only eats plants it is a Herbivore If it eats both plants and plant eating animals it is an omnivore If it eats only animals and does not eat plants it is a carnivore

Are chameleons and hamsters omnivores?

Both chameleons and hamsters are herbivores. They only eat plants. They are not known for eating any meat for nutrition.

What is dependence of plants on animals?

If you look at food cycles and webs, it always starts with a plant. the herbivores (plant eating animals) and the omnivores( eats both meat and plants) feed on these. the omnivores and carnivores (meat eating animals) eat the herbivores and other omnivores. plants also convert Carbon Dioxide into Oxygen so animals can breathe. So, to cut a long story short, if we didn't have plants, nothing would be able to survive.

Is a moth a carnivore herbivores or an omnivores?

Adult moths are herbivores, eating only pollen. Their larva (caterpillars) are almost always herbivores (feeding on plants) but may be detrivores (eating rotted material) or omnivores when they eat other insects.


Carnivores eat meat and only meat, herbivores eat plants and only plants, and omnivores eat both meat and plants.

What do carnivores herbivores and omnivores eat?

Carnivores eat meat and only meat, herbivores eat plants and only plants, and omnivores eat both meat and plants.

What carnivores eat omnivores and herbivores?

Carnivores eat meat and only meat, herbivores eat plants and only plants, and omnivores eat both meat and plants.

What animals classed as omnivores eat?

There are only 3 orders of animals - Herbivores, Carnivores and Omnivores. Herbivores eat only plants in their diet - carnivores eat only meat and omnivores eat both meat and plants as part of its normal diet. Herbivores are only plant eaters - animals that eat plants as the main staple of their diet. Panda bears are herbivores as they only eat specific bamboo plants (and they eat a lot of them - because they are not nutritious at all)!!! Humans are omnivores - when eating a hamburger that contains beef and flour!! Bears are omnivores - they eat fish and berries. Carnivores are only meat eaters - animals that eat meat are the main staple of their diet. Wolves are carnivores.

Do sharks only eat meat?

No, they are omnivores and eat vegetation if they HAVE TO to survive. They are not COMPLETELY carnivorous(depending on species) My sources:

What are omnavors?

Omnivores can eat meat as well as vegetables. Human beings are considered omnivorous because we are capable of eating meat(although a growing number choose not to) as well as plants to survive. Some animals are strictly carnivorous, eating only meat. Some animals are strictly herbivorous, eating only plant life. For animals that are not omnivorous, eating something that is outside of their nature to eat can make them very sick.

What happened if plant not exist?

if plants did not exist then all animals would have to adapt by eating only meat. there would be no herbivores or omnivores. this is bcos plants produce their own food. animals cannot