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Becayse of the loose connective tissue within the hypodermis

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Q: Why can skin move easily over underlying muscles?
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What muscles do you have control over?

You have control over the muscles in the body parts where you feel you can move. For example, you have control over your leg muscles because you can move your leg using your muscles in it. You have no control over involuntary muscles like the heart and intestines.

Why do you need muscles to move around?

yes. muscles allow your bones to move. if you didn't have muscles, you'd be skin stretched over bones lying in a heap on the ground.

How do invertbrates move?

Invertebrates have strong muscles and great control over them which help to slither or slide over surfaces like a snake.

Does a sea cucumber have a tube feet?

Yes; all over its body. But its muscles can also move the spines!

How many musceles is in a human body?

Around 630 individual ones that move our body, called skeletal muscles.

Which spills more easily when you carry it in a bucket - sand or water?

Water will spill more easily, as sand is a solid it will not move around much when in a bucket, with water it will want to move all over the place.

What muscle tissue helps us move?

More than one muscle, there are over 600 muscles in the human body

What body parts work in pairs to pull your bones in different directions?

They are the muscles. Muscles contract in pairs to move the parts across the joint. One muscle contract with more power. The opposite muscle contracts with less power and get stretched over to allow the first muscle to act.

Are muscles active during rest?

when you are completely at rest some of your muscles are still hard at work because some like in your digestive respiratory and pulmonary systems are out your control and they are always working but the muscles like skeletal muscle you have the control over when the move

Where is the muscular system at in your body?

All over the place! In your arms, legs, neck, face, jands and feet are muscles you can control consciously. In your heart and throughout your digestive system are muscles you don't consciously move.

What controls your eye muscles?

Your eye muscles are controlled ultimately by your brain, so when you think "look over there" ... the muscles move your eyes to look. Obviously the thought doesn't have to be a conscious decision though. It is lightning fast... as soon as you think that you want to look someplace, you do.

Why are muscles important of the body?

the muscles are an important part of the body is because so that we can move. or we will be like jelly