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because they are used for under water sounds and a radar is used in space. Sonar means SOund Navigation And Ranging for underwater. Radar picks up radio waves for above water including space.

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3d ago

Sonar systems rely on sound waves traveling through a medium, such as water or air, to detect objects. In the vacuum of space, there is no medium for sound waves to travel through, so sonar systems would not work. Additionally, the speed of sound in space is different than in Earth's atmosphere, which would further complicate the use of sonar systems.

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4y ago

Sonar uses sound waves. Sound waves need to travel through a physical medium e.g. air or water. Space is a near-vacuum, hence sound waves do not travel through space.

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What is sonar and how does it detect aeroplanes?

Sonar is the generic name of the technology that is used to locate objects underwater. Sonar systems are of two basic types - active and passive. In active sonar the system let's out a pulse of sound and then the operator listens for echoes. The passive sonar the operator listens to sounds emitted by the object one is trying to locate.

Form of sonar used to locate enemy submarines by ultrasonic waves?

Due to their short ranges, ultrasonic (>20khz) frequencies aren't used for ship or submarines' primary Active Sonar systems. Though the actual frequencies used are classified, I can say that they're nowhere near the ultrasonic range. Submarines do employ ultrasonic frequency detection systems that are passive sonar based, but they're primarily for detecting active sonar from homing torpedoes. They're also annoying for detecting any bottle-nosed dolphins in the area when you're at Periscope Depth.

How were sonar systems used in World War 2?

They were used by submarines to navigate when not in open waters, They were also used by submarines and anti-submarine ships to locate enemy submarines.

When was sonar first used on submarines and who used it?

The earliest use of Submarine Sonar was by the British Royal Navy. In 1915, 10 British H class submarines were equipped with the first passive sonar system, known as a Fessenden Oscillator. The FO was able to detect a target, but could not establish a bearing, which is critical to target tracking. Further research into Hydrophone and Transducer technology eventually led to active and passive sonar systems, though those old systems were extremely basic by today's modern sonar standards. However, little has changed except for the bells and whistles on modern systems. Submarine Sonar, like then, still use Transducers and Hydrophones for operation. The only thing that has changed is how the information is processed and displayed to the operator. The Oceans haven't changed much either.

Sonar is used to find?

Sonar (SOund NAvigation and Ranging) is used to find objects. Sonar is used to find ships, submarines, mines, and other objects in the Navy. Sonar is used in Medicine to find unusual tumors, organs, and cells. Sonar is used in Geology to find minerals, oil, rock formationsn, and water .

Can sonar use in periscope depth?

Yes sonar can be used at periscope depth. Surface ships also have sonar arrays on them. They are usually used to detect submarines.

What is used to map mid ocean ridge?

sonar,is used to map mid-ocean ridges:]

Why is sonar useful when fishing?

Sonar can be used to locate large shoals of fish.

What is the difference between Sonar and Ultrasound?

Sonar is a system that uses sound waves to detect objects underwater, while ultrasound is a medical imaging technique that uses high-frequency sound waves to visualize internal organs and tissues in the body. Sonar is typically used in underwater navigation and communication, while ultrasound is used in medicine for diagnostic purposes.

What is one event where sonar was used in World War 2?

Sonar was used to detect and hunt submarines in WW2

Why sonar is not used in place of radar?

Sonar uses sound waves to detect objects underwater, while radar uses radio waves to detect objects in the air or on the ground. Sonar is not effective in air or space, and radar is not effective underwater due to differences in the propagation and reflection of waves in these mediums. Each technology is specifically designed for its respective environment and is not interchangeable.

Can sonar be used out of water?

Sonar technology relies on sound waves traveling through a medium, such as water, to detect objects. Sonar cannot be effectively used out of water because air does not transmit sound waves in the same way as water does, resulting in distorted or ineffective results.