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the first use of stone was to create tools

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Q: The ability to make tools was an important step in the development of human civilization?
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The ability to make crude stone tools was an important step in the development of human civilization?

The ability to make crude stone tools allowed early humans to access and process resources more efficiently for tasks like hunting, building shelters, and crafting. This development played a crucial role in human survival and adaptation to different environments, ultimately shaping the course of human evolution and progress towards more complex technologies and societies.

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Economic Growth is an important factor in reducing poverty and generating the resources necessary for human development and environmental protection spending, as well in technological advances.

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How is Indian civilization?

The Indian subcontinent and its people participated in the development of human civilization since the dawn of the stone age 70.000 years BCE

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Studying human development can be important for several reasons. You can learn about yourself, find out what is normal, learn about the development stages of your children, and find out how to interact with your kids.

How old is Indian civilization?

The Indian subcontinent and its people participated in the development of human civilization since the dawn of the stone age 70.000 years BCE

What is the study of modern civilization called?

There is no specific name for the study of modern civilization. One possible term for it is sociology, which is the study of human society and its development.