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Q: Why can why can small amount of mass of matter create a large amount of energy?
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When an atomic bomb explodes the total amount of matter and energy involved increases?

A very very tiny amount of matter is removed and a very large amount of energy is produced.

What produces the large amount of energy released by the nuclear reaction?

A change from one form of matter to another, with the release of large amounts of energy.

When does a coaster have a large amount of Kinetic Energy and when does it have a large amount of Potential Energy?

The coaster have a large amount of potential energy when it gain height, kinetic energy when it gain speed instead.

In a nuclear fission reaction what is converted into energy?

In fission, the mass of the resulting atoms is slightly less than the mass of the original atom that was "split" -- this matter has been converted into energy. A tiny amount of matter is the equivalent of an enormous amount of energy, according to the formula E=Mc2.

How is the law of conservation of energy related to the atomic bomb?

explosion of an atom bomb releases large amount of energy as heat liberation resulting rise in temperature and deformation in matter and pressure and many more forms of energy obtained from matter.

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If water absorbs a large amount of energy it boils.

ATP contains a large amount of energy because?

ATP contains a large amount of energy because it has high-energy phosphate bonds.

What are defects of e equals mc2?

The formula E=mc2 states that the conversion ratio of mass to energy is "Energy=mass times the speed of light squared" (which indicates that the conversion of a small amount of mass can create a very large amount of energy).

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Topsoil has the greatest amount of organic matter

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amplitude :)

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