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It means the same thing.

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Q: Why can you have the same type of contour line above and below sea level?
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Contour line below the sea?

A contour line below sea level is called a bathytherm.

What is a contor line?

On a map, a contour line connects points of the same height below or above sea level. The elevation would stay the same if you followed a contour line.

What are contour lines are used to indicate?

A line on a map joining points of equal height above or below sea level.

What do Contour line show what?

shows the elevation above sea level.

Is a line which represent continuous value on maps?

Isobar for atmospheric pressure, isotherm for temperature, or contour for height above (below) sea level.

This is a long line of rocks or sand the top which can be above or below sea level?

This is a long line of rocks or sand, the top which can be above or below the sea level.

What are isolines that show elevation called?

A contour line (also isoline or isarithm) of a function of two variables is a curve along which the function has a constant value. In cartography, a contour line (often just called a "contour") joins points of equal elevation (height) above a given level, such as mean sea level

What does contour mean in geography terms?

contour are imaginary lines that drawn on a map joining places having the same height above mean sea level.

How do contour lines help you visualize a feature earths solid surface?

A contour line represents a certain vertical height above the the contour line shown drawn below. Contour lines are a means of representing 3D hills and mountains on a 2D flat paper. Maps should show the height between contour lines: 50 metres between contour lines is common.

Why is the highest point of a hill represented by an x not a contour line?

Contour lines are spaced at a regular height above sea level - every 50 metres, for example. The highest point of a hill may be just above the highest contour line. Therefore a spot or summit height symbol may be used to mark the highest point on the map.

How do contour lines help you visualize a feature of Earth solid surface?

A contour line represents a certain vertical height above the the contour line shown drawn below. Contour lines are a means of representing 3D hills and mountains on a 2D flat paper. Maps should show the height between contour lines: 50 metres between contour lines is common.

What does a contour line indicate when it points downhill?

When a V-shaped contour line points downhill, it means that the contour line is under very low elevation. And incase your wondering about when the contour line is uphill, it means that the elevation level is very high.