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Q: Why can you not feel movements on third pregnancy at 17 weeks?
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In early pregnancy can you feel the fetus move especially if this is your second pregnancy?

You should feel your baby's first movements, called "quickening," between weeks 16 and 25 of your pregnancy. By the second pregnancy, some women start to feel movements as early as 13 weeks. You're more likely to feel baby move when you're in a quiet position, either sitting or lying down.

Is it possible to feel fetal movement at 8 weeks in the third pregnancy?

I don't kow for sure but I am about twelve weeks and I can see and feel the baby move. This is my fisr pregnancy. It is all new to me!

Can you feel butterflies in first few weeks of pregnancy?

No, feeling "butterflies" is when u first feel ur baby's movements, for first time moms is usually around 20weeks (5months) for others that have had more then one pregnancy may feel sooner but no few weeks isn't possible

Can babies kick when you're 16 weeks pregnant?

Yes, the baby (fetus) start moving at 7 weeks but you can not feel movements until your are between 16 to 20 weeks. At 12 weeks your baby still too small for you to feel the kicks, specially if it's your 1st pregnancy. Cangrat!!!

What do you feel if you are 9 weeks pregnant?

You don't feel any movements at 9 weeks. You don't normally feel anything until around 16-20 weeks

What does a baby look like at nineteen weeks after conception.?

You are now 19 weeks pregnant -- almost halfway there! Nineteen weeks into your pregnancy, your baby is about 5.2 to 6 inches long and weighs about 7 ounces (about the weight of an average orange). Your baby is now able to make conscious muscle movements, such as sucking his or her thumb, in addition to involuntary muscle movements. This week, you may feel these movements, which are known as quickening. This may feel as if you have butterflies or a growling stomach; a lot of first-time mothers may not feel the classic kicking until they are 26 weeks pregnant.

How can you feel your baby move at six weeks?

Actually at six weeks pregnant you cannot feel any movements at all by my knowledge. You may think it's the baby but it may be gas or other things going on with you. Fetal movements can be felt at 20 weeks or more i believe. Google it but i am sure you can't feel movements that soon.

Now I'm at 23 weeks just i feel flutters in lower belly button is it normal?

If it's your second pregnancy then yes it's normal. If it's your first, you generally don't feel it until around 16 weeks, but I guess you could still be feeling it

How soon can you feel your pregnancy?

2 weeks after sex at the earliest

What are some of the symptoms when you are 12 weeks pregnant?

if you are slim to medium size, you will start to show, feel movement as early as this, be VERY tired, and nipples and breasts get huge! At 12 weeks with a single baby you would neither show nor feel movements. With a multiple pregnancy you may just feel both, especially if you have had a baby before.

Am 18 weeks pregnant is it normal not to fell the baby movement?

Everyone feels movement at different times, especially with a first pregnancy. Many woman do not feel strong movements until 20 weeks or later. If you are concerned you should contact your dr.

Is it normal for your belly to feel like its moving during 20 weeks of pregnancy?

Yes. It is perfectly 'normal' to feel the movements of the baby at 20 weeks.. It is one of the most enjoyable experience. Enjoy it. Next time, once you become experienced, you may feel it as early as 16 weeks also. Congratulations ! When 'baby' suckle the milk, happiness on mother's face tell the 'big' story.