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Q: Why can you see your reflection in a spoon?
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Why do we see ourselves upside down in a spoon?

You'd actually see your upside-down reflection in the bowl of a spoon (the part where the food goes); any reflection you see on the opposite side will always be upright. The inside of a spoon acts as a concave mirror, which have the interesting property of creating an inverted image when the object being reflected is located outside the focal point. If you hold the spoon as close to your face as you can, you'd see your reflection upright.

Why does your reflection upside down in a spoon?

Because the spoon is curved inward so your reflection appears to be upside down.+++For an explanation look up the principles of concave mirrors.

Why is your reflection upside down on the front side of a spoon?

your reflection is upside down on the front part of a spoon for one main reason. The interior part of a spoon in 'concave' meaning it curves inward. when light is reflected of a concave surface, it overlaps and is projected off the spoon upside down. ...

Do a spoon reflection show you what you look like to others?

no the image is distorted

Does the spoon reflection show your actual structure?

no it does not showyour actual structre

Why cant you see your reflection in all objects that replect light?

You cannot see your reflection in all objects that reflect light because of diffuse reflection.

Why can't you see your reflection in all objects that reflect?

You cannot see your reflection in all objects that reflect light because of diffuse reflection.

Why are reflections upside down in a glass of water?

because the spoon is concave, making the reflection upside down

Why can't you see reflection in all objects that reflect light?

You cannot see your reflection in all objects that reflect light because of diffuse reflection.

Why can you see yourself in a spoon but not a piece of cloth?

because the light travels str8 and if it hits a curved reflection your eves will follow there fore it looks upside down Because its a convex mirror. A regular mirror shifts everything from left to right but a convex mirror reverses on a horizontal plane versus a vertical plane.

Why does your head look big on the back of a spoon?

Because the back of a spoon is a miror that is convex and as such it has to spread the reflection of your head over a larger area. distorting the picture and making making it seem bigger

What thing cannot see their reflection?

A vampire is the creature that can not see their reflection because the theory is that to have a reflection you must also have a soul. Vampires do not have souls for they are dead and your soul leaves your body when you die. I therefore state Vampires will never see their reflection.