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There are few reasons for this first of all terrestrial animals can only breath oxygen if it is in a right quantity mixed with other gases. pure oxygen acts like poison. Second reason is if there is a fire then there would not be sufficient amount of other gases to control over it and it spread drastically. the nitrogen present in the atmosphere controls the fire. Human beings can only reproduce if there is a fixed amount of oxygen in the atmosphere.

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Q: Why cannot Oxygen be 78 percent in the atmosphere?
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Which planet's atmosphere is 78 percent nitrogen?

The Earth has an atmosphere of 78% nitrogen (and 21% oxygen).

Does oxygen make up 78 percent of the gases in the atmosphere?

it doens not

What percent of O and N can you find in the atmosphere?

78% Nitrogen 21% Oxygen

Is 21 percent of the earth's atmosphere nitrogen?

Yes, approximately 78% of Earth's atmosphere is nitrogen.

Its composition is 78 percent nitrogen 21 percent oxygen and 1 percent other?

The earth's atmosphere at sea level.

99 percent of the atmosphere is made out of?

Nitrogen (78%) and oxygen (21%) are the two main components of Earth's atmosphere, making up a total of 99%. Other gases such as argon, carbon dioxide, and water vapor make up the remaining 1%.

What is the percentage composition of nitrogen in the air?

78 percent Air is mostly gas The air in Earth's atmosphere is made up of approximately 78 percent nitrogen and 21 percent oxygen.

What two elements comprise 99 percent of the volume of the Earth's atmosphere?

Earth's atmosphere is roughly 78% Nitrogen & 21% Oxygen.

What is over 99 percent of the atmosphere in pure dry air composed of?

Over 99 percent of the atmosphere in pure dry air is composed of nitrogen and oxygen, with nitrogen making up about 78 percent and oxygen around 21 percent. The remaining 1 percent is made up of trace gases such as argon, carbon dioxide, and neon.

What is 78 percent of earths atmosphere composed of?

Nitrogen makes up about 78 percent of Earth's atmosphere.

Does the atmosphere contain 21 percent air?

No - out atmosphere is made up of approximately 78% Nitrogen, 21% Oxygen and 1% other gasses.

What is the gas that makes up the largest percent of the atmosphere?

Nitrogen makes up 78% of the Earth's atmosphere. Oxygen makes up about 21%.