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Bcus when posesing knetic e is in motion,and it can n't b in motion and at d same time standing in rest

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Q: Why cant a substance have high kinetic energy and high potential energy?
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What energy can change from on form to another but cant be created or destroyed?

The answer is Kinetic Energy.

How can you make energy using waterfalls?

it cant make energy it is kinetic if it flows

What types of energy are used when blowing a whistle?

there is a little energy used, the point is you simply convert a wind energy into a sound energy. remember you cant create any kind of energy.

What some examples of kinetic and potential energy?

Any fluid/object in motion possesses Kinetic energy. Energy stored in an object/fluid due to its height is known as Potential energy. Water stored up in dam has potential energy and when it is allowed to flow downhill it possesses kinetic energy. Pendulum is also a good example to demonstrate both kinetic and potential energy. The total quantum of energy in this universe remains constant.

How does kinetic energy affect your life?

Kinetic energy makes things move so it helps in hundreds of ways.

What is gravitational energy-?

Gravitational potential energy is the kinetic energy that an object could gain if it was allowed to move through the entire gravitational potential in question. For example, if you climb a tower that is 100 feet above the Earth's surface and hold a ball, the ball will have potential energy as long as it remains at that height (in other words, as long as it remains at that potential). If the ball is dropped, the potential energy begins converting into kinetic as the ball falls through the 100 foot gravitational potential. When the ball is on the surface of the Earth, it no longer has any gravitational potential energy with respect to the Earth's surface. All of the energy converted into kinetic energy. When the ball actually hit the Earth, the kinetic energy was converted into heat and the ball stopped moving. That heat warmed the surrounding atmosphere a bit. No energy is ever lost, it just converts from one form to another.

What is is potential energy stored in?

Potential enery depends only on the position of the object. It cant be 'stored'.

Why cant the kinetic energy of all the atoms in an object be measured?

because they are so small and objects contain so many of them, it is impossible to measure the kinetic energy of all the individual atoms

How can you find kinetic energy?

Heat is just the measure of the average kinetic energy of the molecules in... whatever you are measuring. Kinetic energy is s form of energy, so the fact that the molecules have kinetic energy proves heat is energy. Also heat powered engines do work by converting heat into kinetic energy. ============================ Thanks for that. But how do you prove that heat is a form of energy ? ============================

Can kinetic energy be used up?

No energy cant be created or destroyed. It can only be converted into something else. Its the basic law of physics.

Why cant a bouncing ball bounce back to the height it was at?

Because it loses some of its kinetic energy when it hits the ground. Some of the energy gets transfered downward, but some energy is reverted backward.

What is the difference between momentum and kinetic energy and why is it that kinetic energy can be changed in to other forms of energy but momentum cant?

Firstly, momentum is not a form of energy; the question seems to imply so. Kinetic energy is the energy possessed by a moving object. That energy is provided by a source, and can be removed from the object because energy possessed by an object is not an inherent part of that given object. Momentum is a property of mass; momentum is inherent in the mass of the object, and cannot be removed or put somewhere else, only altered.