

Why cant diseases be treated without animal testing?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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i think that people do animal testing all the time because businesses dont want to kill or hurt anyone.

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Q: Why cant diseases be treated without animal testing?
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Reasons why animal testing is good?

it is good because without it people would have died from having no cure for their diseases

Why do you have to do animal testing?

to help cure diseases like HIV or etc without testing on humans since animals are similar to humans, they will carry an effective result.

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Does animal testing kills animal?

not normally... but it sometimes does harm them by making them liable to diseases or sick...

What is scientific animal testing testing for?

Everything. Without animal testing certain products, materials, and medications would have to be tested on humans. Many people don't realize that animal testing has the biggest part in the medical field. Without animal testing you would not have basic antibiotics that you get from your doctor.

Animal testing is bad?

animal testing is good and bad. its good to help solve serious diseases and bad because it makes animals suffer in pain.

Is animal testing for diseases ok?

Yes because if scientists did not do it on animals there would not be any cures.

Which us states support animal testing?

They should be treated with a little bit of care

Why dont people use animal testing alternatives?

There is no alternative. Every day, thousands of peopleare saved from painful diseases. However, we simply do not have alternative methods of testing. Until we have a better system, we must use animal testing.

What diseases have been cured without using animal testing?

Penicillin to start with was first tested on a London policeman it nearly saved his life but they did not make enough.

What you can achieve from animal testing?

The new medicines are not available without animal testing. It is better to sacrifise animal than human. There is a lot of sadness in every family for a lost member...

What is the befits of animal testing?

Many people argue that the wonderful gift of medicine wouldn't be here without the help of animal testing, however some people are asking for animal testing to be banned, because of how many die from it.