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Q: Why cant humans survive in the stratosphere?
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Why can cows survive on gas but humans cant?

Cows can't survive on gas alone. Neither can humans. Both cows and humans need food and water to survive, not just oxygen (which is a gas we breathe).

Could you survive in the stratosphere?

No, as there is no oxygen, nor nitrogen, nor carbon dioxide.

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1. The surface temperature is high enough to melt lead.2. No Starbucks.

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if rats didn't have ears they cant hear when their predators are coming.. just like us humans

What did animals do to survive?

They basically do what humans do to survive. Like humans need to eat to survive and we also need to sleep to survive.

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no we cant we would have no way 2 reproduce no medicine no farms no nothing so the awnser is no

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you cant survive on neptune

In what layer of the atmosphere is the ozone helpful to humans?

Helpful in the stratosphere, harmful in the troposphere.

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because they cant its there habitat their swimming is like our walking on earth they cant survive whithout water and we cant survive without gravity literally

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No you cant survive

What role does nitrogen play to ensure the continuity of life?

nitrogen is the main nutrient for plants without it plants cant survive without plants herbivorous animals cant survive without them carnivorous animals cant survive without either of them omnivorous animals cant survive

Do humans eat to survive?

no we drink to survive. from keyna