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He doesn't have the barb wire to hold it on.

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1mo ago

Jack may not be able to get the pig to stay on his spear because he lacks the necessary skills and experience to properly hunt and handle prey. Additionally, he may not have chosen the right type of spear or may be using improper technique when trying to catch the pig.

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Q: Why cant jack get the pig to stay on his spear?
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Sadism is used when Jack kills the pig and rapes it with his spear.

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In chapter 7 Ralph sees a pig run at him. He then throws his spear that hits him in the snout or nose. The pig then turns to run at Jack which is when he gets a bloody arm.

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The first pig is killed when it is injured by a spear and then driven into a waiting circle of boys who beat and stab it to death, Jack finally slits it's throat with his knife.

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It mainly shows when he hits the pig with the spear and Jack tries to grab it and gets hurt and everyone starts paying attention to Jack and not him.

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It mainly shows when he hits the pig with the spear and Jack tries to grab it and gets hurt and everyone starts paying attention to Jack and not him.

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When Jack and his tribe kill the pig they stick the pigs head on a spear and put it in the clearing as an offering to "the beast". They do not know that the beast is actually a part of them and not a physical being.

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ralph grabbed Eric's spear and jabbed at roger during a "kill the pig ritual"

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Why is Jack unable to kill the pig?

Jack is unable to kill the pig, due to his fear of the squealing and blood that the pig would produce. Jack's inability to kill the pig is a symbolic example of the still existent human moral within the boys. Jack being unable to kill the pig shows he is hesitant to kill others, because he believes it is wrong.

Why were Jack and his hunters willing to kill the pig?

because the pig was stupid

When Ralph loses confidence how does it show?

When Ralph loses confidence is shows in his speech because he seems to lose track of what he is saying, as "curtain flickers in his brain."