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Because he is imprinted with her!

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Q: Why cant jacob stop liking renesmee in the book breaking dawn?
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In which part of the book did Jake imprinted on renesmee?

Jacob imprints on Renesmee on the very last page of Book Two in Breaking Dawn, written from Jacob's perspective.

Will breaking dawn be based on the book were she has the baby?

Breaking Dawn is the book where she has Renesmee Cullen. The movie will be based on the book Breaking Dawn, because Renesmee is the most important character because she draws the Volturi to the Cullens, and Jacob imprints on her, and she tests Bella and Edwards relationship.

Jacob Black married renesmee at the end of breaking dawn?

no but if Stephanie makes another book they probably will

Do Jacob and Renessme become lovers in Breaking Dawn?

Jacob imprints on Renesmee while she is still a baby, which means that he has an incredibly strong love for her (not necessarily romantic). It is a werewolf trait. By the end of the Breaking Dawn book Renesmee is still to young for her relationship with Jacob to become a romantic one, but it is assumed that when Renesmee grows up it will be.

Will they ever make a movie after Breaking Dawn which Jacob Black deserve some happiness?

No movies are planned for after Breaking Dawn. Besides, in Breaking Dawn the book, Jacob is happy. He imprints on Renesmee and is very happy to have her.

Does Jacob marry Bella's baby in the breaking dawn?

No. Jacob imprints on Renesmee (Bella's baby) but the book ends before Renesmee has gained full maturity. It is not set in stone that Jacob and Renesmee will marry, but it seems very likely as they are very close and the bond between them is extremely strong due to the imprinting which has occurred.

Does Jacob imprint in Breaking Dawn?

apparently he is a werewolf and were wolves imprint on particular individuals who are supposed to be their mates. therefore. jacob (who is a werewolf) imprints on renesme (who, he claims to be his mate) in breaking dawn.

When does renesmee Cullen show up?

Renesmee Carlie Cullen (nicknamed Nessie by Jacob Black) was born September 10, Three days before Bella's 13th birthday. She showed up in Breaking Dawn: Book One Bella, when Bella discovers she's pregnant with Renesmee. All through Book Two Jacob, Renesmee is inside of Bella until the last few pages. The very last page of Book Two Jacob, Jacob himself imprints on Renesmee. Renesmee is almost always with Bella, after she is thought to be safe. Bella is a newborn vampire in Book Three Bella. But, Renesmee is there a lot of the time. Someone is mostly (or usually) talking about her or Bella. "Her" being Renesmee. Did this help at all? Tell me, Ness Cullen

What happens between renesmee and jacob?

Read the book!

Does edwerd die in twilight breaking dawn part 2?

Nope! Edward, Bella, Renesmee, and Jacob live happily ever after at the end of the book!

What happens to Jacob and renesmee?

In the Twilight series, Jacob and Renesmee develop a strong bond and share a deep connection. They have a unique relationship as Jacob imprints on Renesmee, which means he becomes her protector and soulmate. Their relationship evolves and is explored further in the subsequent books in the series.

Where will Breaking Dawn be split?

Breaking Dawn Part 1 will be when Bella is still human- throughout the wedding, honeymoon, and pregnancy up until when Renesmee has been born, Bella is transforming, and Jacob imprints on Renesmee (that whole part) Breaking Dawn Part 2 will be when Bella is a vampire, she goes hunting, meeting Renesmee, being happy, Volturi coming, and the end of the book.