

Why cant sound travel from planet to planet?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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12y ago

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Because space is a Vacuum, there are not enough gas molecules around to transfer the sound waves.

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Q: Why cant sound travel from planet to planet?
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light can travel through a vacuum whereas sound cant

Why cant sound travel on the moon?

Sound can travel on the moon because there is no atmosphere. Space is a vacuum that does not allow sound to travel.

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sound cant travel on an asteroid because it has no atmosphere. it could travel through it.

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There is no air for sound to travel through.

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light can but sound cant as there is no air

What sound cant travel through?

sound can't travel through a vacuum. or a place without air.

Why cant sound waves travel through a vaccuum?

No medium to carry the sound energy.

Explain why cant sound travel through vacuums?

there is no air in a vaccum. and sound needs air for the sound waves to travel through.

Why can't sound waves travel though space?

sound waves cant travel through space because there is no oxygen, and if there is no oxygen there is nothing to carry the sound waves. youre welcom theSas

How fast does sound travel from planet to planet?

sound travels over 300 meters per second. do the math ;) but light is just about 300 000 kilometers per second!

What does sound need to travel through?

Sound (and vibration) are a wave system of sequential compressions and rarefactions of a material. These waves are mechanical and do need a substance through which to travel. They cannot travel through a vacuum.