

Why cant the continental US have to tornadoes?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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The continental United States can and does have tornadoes.

It has more tornadoes than anywhere else.

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Q: Why cant the continental US have to tornadoes?
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No I cant

What continental state has the fewest tornadoes?

Antarctica is not believed to get tornadoes at all.

Was there ever a tornado on January 16th of any year in the continental US?

Yes. There were tornadoes in the continental U.S. on January 16, 1990, 1993, 2000, and 2004.

Why cant tornadoes go on hills?

They can. The belief that hills stop tornadoes is a complete myth.

What do they call tornadoes in US?

Tornadoes in the U.S. are called tornadoes.

Name given to the mid- continental area where tornadoes are common?

tornado alley

Is it true that tornadoes only occus in the US?

Tornadoes occur in other countries besides the US. However, the US heartland has ideal conditions for tornadoes.

Can cats survive tornadoes?

Yes. Cats can survive tornadoes just as people cant, but they can also die just as people can.

Can there be tornadoes in NY?

Yes. Tornadoes can occur anywhere in the US.

Does San Antonio have tornadoes?

Most of the Continental US is the potential victim of such winds. San Antonio is only slightly south of what is known as Tornado Alley, and could become a weather victim.

How many tornadoes in US in 2008?

There were 1692 tornadoes in the U.S. in 2008.

When did the tornadoes hit us?

Tornadoes hit the U.S. every year.