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Water freezes at lower temperatures in extreme cold conditions found around polar regions and high mountains, which can make it difficult to use effectively. Additionally, strong winds and harsh weather conditions in these areas can also create challenges in handling water. Lastly, the limited availability of water sources in these remote locations can further restrict its use.

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Q: Why cant we use water around the polar religions and on tops of high mountains?
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Do other religions make offerings?

Yes, many religions involve the practice of making offerings as a form of worship, gratitude, or seeking blessings. For example, in Hinduism offerings such as fruits, flowers, and incense are common, while in Buddhism offerings of candles, water, and food are made at shrines. Similarly, practices in Shintoism, Taoism, and other spiritual traditions also involve making offerings to deities, ancestors, or nature spirits.

How deep was the flood in the book of Genesis?

In the book of Genesis, the flood was described as covering the earth to a depth of more than 20 feet (6 meters) above the highest mountains. This catastrophic event was meant to cleanse the earth of wickedness and start anew with Noah and his family.

Where did the great flood happen?

The Great Flood is a myth found in many cultures and religions around the world, such as in the Bible with the story of Noah's Ark. The exact location of where this flood is said to have happened varies depending on the cultural or religious account being referenced.

What is a ritual bath?

A ritual bath is a spiritual practice involving immersing oneself in water to cleanse the body, mind, and spirit. It is often performed before special occasions, ceremonies, or to mark significant life events in various cultures and religions. The bath may include specific prayers, intentions, or blessings to enhance its significance.

What items represent purity?

Items like white doves, lilies, clear quartz crystals, and white candles are often associated with purity due to their symbolism in various cultures and religions. These items are seen as pure and clean, reflecting qualities of innocence, clarity, and spirituality.