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Q: Why carbonic acid doesn't react with metals?
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Why don't carbonic acids react with metals?

Carbonic acid does react with metals as similar to the other acids. But in nature, carbonic acid molecule is unstable. It has an equilibrium where carbonic acid dissociates into a water molecule and a carbon dioxide molecule.

Does hydrogen gas liberate when metals react with carbonic acid?

By definition metals above hydrogen should react with acids to produce hydrogen and a metal salt when mixed, but carbonic acid is a weak acid and it won't react as much like sulfuric acid.

What two compounds react to yield carbonic acid?

water and carbon dioxide. Carbonic acid is H2CO3

If 44 grams of carbon react completely with 18 grams of water what is the mass of carbonic acid formed?

Carbon does not react with cold water to form carbonic acid.

What is the non-metal in carbonic acid?

Both are non metals..

The formation of Karst topography requires carbonic acid to react with?


The formation of Karst topography requires carbonic acid to react with what?


What 2 substances react to form carbonic acid?

CO2 and H2O

Does Water and carbonic acid play a major role in the chemical weathering of rocks?

Yes, it is correct; for example calcium carbonate react with carbonic acid.

Can carbon dioxide form carbonic acid?

Yes. Carbon dioxide will react with water to form carbonic acid, especially under high pressure.

Why is burning of non metals responsible for acid rain?

Burning creates oxides such as C02 and nitrous oxides. These react with the water in the air (H20), combining with the hydrogen in the water to form acids: carbonic acid and nitric acid respectively.

Do all metals react with hydrocholric acid?

no all metals do not react with hydrochloric acids