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Q: Why catalase only works with one substrate?
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What does catalase do to hydrogen peroxide?

Because the shape of the active site on catalase only permits it to break down hydrogen peroxide. This is the case for many enzymes such as catalase, although some enzymes can break down more than one substrate.

A given enzyme works on?

One type of substrate

What determines an enzyme's functions and how many functions does one enzyme have?

An enzyme has only one substrate that it works with so it has only one function. This is called a lock and key mechanism. Other things can affect the enzyme such as temperature, pH level and levels of either the substrate or the products. High temperature can denature the enzyme (they are proteins). They can not fit the lock (substrate).

What determines an enzyme function and how many functions does one enzyme have?

An enzyme has only one substrate that it works with so it has only one function. This is called a lock and key mechanism. Other things can affect the enzyme such as temperature, pH level and levels of either the substrate or the products. High temperature can denature the enzyme (they are proteins). They can not fit the lock (substrate).

What is the name of an enzyme only acts on one substrate?

Most enzymes are substrate specific because they have a specific shapes active site in which only a specific substrate can fit.

Why do enzymes generally only bind to one type of substrate?

Enzymes act only on a specific substrate due to the active site of the enzymes fits perfectly with the substrate. Like 2 puzzle pieces, they can only go together and not with anything else.

Why do enzymes usually only work on one substrate (or group of closely related substrates)?

Only certain molecules can fit into the active site of the enzyme.

Why is the shape of an enzyme important?

The shape of an enzyme is important because enzymes are shape specific. Each enzyme can only react with one kind of substrate, and the enzyme's shape determines which substrate that is. They fit together like a "lock and key". If an enzyme is denatured (or its shape is altered from its active form), then it will not be able to bind to its substrate and the substrate's activation energy will not be lowered, usually resulting in the cessation of whatever reaction the substrate is undergoing.

What is the turnover number for catalase?

The turnover number for catalase is extremely high. One molecule of catalase can easily convert 400 million molecules of hydrogen peroxide to H2O.

What makes good gargoyle gecko substrate?

A good substrate is one to retain moisture for humidity purposes. Peat moss/coco-husk and eco earth mix works great for holding moisture.

What is monoauxic growth?

it is a type of growth curve in which organisms feed only on one substrate

What is monoauxic growth curve?

it is a type of growth curve in which organisms feed only on one substrate