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The char data type is an integral type and can therefore be used to represent integers as well as characters. However, in order to treat the representation as an actual integer, it must be explicitly converted to a non-character type, such as int.

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12y ago

Because a char is an integer data type... It has a graphic representation, but it also has a numeric value, often 0 to 255, for unsigned char, and -128 to +127, for signed char.

However, programmers should not depend on the particular numeric value, or bit pattern, of a char if it is intended to represent graphical data. Doing so steps outside of the definition of proper use, and is highly non-portable.

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8y ago

Characters are represented by their character encodings which are integer values. E.g., the character 'A' is represented by ASCII character code 65.

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Can a pointer to char data-type be type casted to pointer to integer type?

Yes it is possible in C language.includeint main(void) { char *cptr; int *iptr; iptr=(int*)cptr; return 0; }If you find the info useful Please Vote!!!

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What is size of char far data type?

char is a primitive data type and depends on the programming language and the operating system.

What is difference between '1' and 1 as for us a computer is concerned with respect to c plus plus?

When you type '1' in a C++ program, it is considered to be of character data type(char). When you type 1, it is considered to be of integer data type.

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Turbo C variables are memory place holders for storage of data during the execution of a Turbo C program. Types of variables include integer, real and char.

What is a valid variable data type?

1. If its natural or integer numbers- Integer(Int) data type. 2. If it consists of decimal or fraction part- Double or float data type. 3. If it has a single letter or sign- Character(Char) data type. 4. If its got many words(alpha-numerical)- String data type. 5. If the result has to be "true" or "false"- Boolean data type.

How char data type is represented in the memory?

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