

Why christains believe in jesus?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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12y ago

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Christians believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the savior who came into this world to save them of their sins.

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Q: Why christains believe in jesus?
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Christians believe that Jesus died on the cross for our sins and is coming back for his children.

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No, Muslims do not believe that Jesus is God and Christians do. This is one of the main differences, but there are many more.

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Baptism. In the Bible, baptism is a believers baptism. Someone who believes in Jesus Christ as their saviour.

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They worship Jesus on Sundays at church

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As a good and strong christian, I believe in Jesus Christ, the son of God. Christains do believe and supposed to believe Jesus is the son of God because "christian" means "christ-like". Christians follow the ways of Jesus Christ because he established the church and called it his. It is in the bible that Jesus was in existence before he was killed but then he rose again and fulfilled his promise.

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Jews and Christains are related. They both believe in the Lord God. But the Jews only believe in the old testament ( Before Jesus was born). The christians believe in both the old and the new testament. To make this simpler the Jews didn't believe in Jesus but the christians did. Another name for Jesus was the messiah. Pronouced Me-Sigh-A.

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Yes, Christians believe in heaven and hell.

What do Christains believe they will gain by accepting Jesus and his teachings?

Christians believe that by accepting Jesus and his teachings, they will gain forgiveness of their sins, eternal life in heaven, a relationship with God, guidance for living a moral and fulfilling life, and hope for the future.

Why is Jesus important for christains?

I am not too sure can someone else answer?? thanks xoxo

Do the Christian religion believed in god?

All Christains believe in God :)

What do christains believe about jesus?

Jesus is the Savior who died for our sin and rose from the dead and he was witnesses by over 500 people according in I Cor. 15: 3-7. He is the Christ who can save sinners if the sinners 1. believe that they are sinners, 2. believe Jesus died for your sin and rose from the dead 3. Be repent other words turn from sin to God 4. Ask him to be save from sin and be their Savior