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They are working as service workers and can be hired with little education or experience. The more a person knows the more a person can earn. That is the main difference between a person who is a service worker and a person who is a professional worker. A service worker lives a min wage job while a professional earner will earm much more depending on the job.

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Q: Why cooks and waiters have low salary?
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What are the roles of waiters?

Waiters are the ones who find out what the customer wants to eat. They then tell the cooks and deliver the food.

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How many chefs did the Titanic have?

there were 142 waiters and were 105 $exy cooks

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Most Line cooks are part time hourly wages plus tips.

What is the salary of a waiter in a Mexican restaurant in Louisiana?

The salary will depend upon the person and the restaurant they are working at. Many waiters are paid upon tips and a small hourly amount.

What do you call someone who works in a bakery?

baker (bread); confectioner (cakes), icer (cakes, pastries)

What kind of jobs are therein Costa Rica?

Restaurant,hotel,real estate,construction,maintenance and any other jobs you can think of!(Lawyers,cooks,maids and waiters)

Who is Fiona Haynes?

She cooks low fat foods. She has lots of low fat recipes and has a passion for cooking them.

What are the most popular fast food jobs?

The most popular fast food jobs are the entry levels that do not require a degree. Some of these are the order takers, waiters and waitresses, kitchen hands, bartenders, and cooks.

What qualifications does a restaurant owner need?

An Owner needs money. Lots of money! He may hire the rest of the needed talent out. Cooks, waiters and people to order the supplies are certainly needed, but they can all be hired out.

How many cooks are allowed for every 50 soldiers?

The ratio for cooks to soldiers is roughly 2 to 100. A team of two cooks is able to feed 100 soldiers with low cost labor and food costs.

Is it correct to say in spite of the salary being low I want the job?

yes that's fine, couldn't be better :D-Mnyeh. In spite of the low salary is better, and so is despite the salary being low.