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Q: Why could a blow to the back of the neck result in the patient not breathing?
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A patient suddenly stops breathing eyes roll back then vomits blood What are the possibilities that could explain what happen to this patient?

The patient could have had a seizure. That would explain their eyes rolling back and the breathing stopped. Tubereculosis could explain vomiting blood if the blood came from the lungs. Those are also symptoms of shock.

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For myxedema coma, treatment may include breathing assistance and helping to get a patient's body temperature back to normal. Until it is determined that there isn't an infection in the body, a patient will be given antibiotics.

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In a setback otoplasty, the normal result is an ear that lies closer to the patient's head without an overcorrected, "pinned-back" look.

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If the patient was trustworthy and I knew the patient would pay the back balance.

Why is an unconscious patient who is breathing normally positioned on their side?

So that their tongue does not slide back to block their airway and so that if they vomit the sick comes out of their mouths rather than going down their throat into the lungs.

Mechanisms of pursed lip breathing to patient's with emphysema?

yes until easy the air exhalation from mouth because the pressure in the lung called intrapulmonary pressure high than the atmospheric pressure. narrowing airway

What are the symptoms of a breathing problem in a Boxer?

when the boxer is laying on its back, with four legs up in the air, and not breathing, you know it has a breathing problem.

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Just be honest with him & tell him how you feel if you want to get back together.Ask him if he likes you tell him you want to get back together & be patient with him.Or you could just bang him.

Why would severe back and chest pain be a result of bulimia?

If you are purging, the strain of vomiting could be the cause.

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How did the description of the result of the bombing affect you?

No one could turn the clock back. It's history and we have to take it as a fact.