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Because of the japanese estory us"!

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Q: Why could the US Pacific Fleet not immediately stop the Japanese advance?
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Who was in charge of the American Pacific fleet when the Japanese attacked?

Admiral Husband E. Kimmel who was Commander-in-chief of the U.S. Pacific Fleet .

What location did Admiral Nimitz's fleet ambush and severely damage the Japanese fleet at by stopping the Japanese offensive in the Pacific?

Battle Of Midway

Who attacked the US Pacific Fleet at Pearl Harbor?


Why did the Japanese choose to bomb Pearl Harbor and not California or something?

The United States Pacific Fleet was moored at Pearl Harbor and it would take a major US fleet to defeat the Japanese. The attack was so successful in destroying the US Pacific Fleet that a large portion of the US Atlantic Fleet needed to come from the East coast through the Panama Canal to fight the Japanese in the Pacific.

Who did Japanese bomb?

Japanese bombed Hawaii . Because they wanted to destroy the Pacific Fleet of The U.S

When did the Japanese forces attack the pacific fleet?

December 7, 1941

Which japanese admiral insisted that the us pacific fleet posed a threat to japan and had to be destroyed?

Isoroku Yamamoto was the Japanese Admiral who argued that the United States Pacific fleet was a threat to Japan. He served in the Imperial Japanese Navy from 1901 to 1943.

What happened to the Allies in the Battle of Midway?

The Allies won the Battle of Midway. It was a critical turning point in the Pacific War as the United States successfully halted the Japanese advance. The loss of four Japanese aircraft carriers severely weakened their naval power, while the Allies only lost one carrier. This victory enabled the Allies to gain the upper hand in the Pacific and begin their offensive against Japan.

Represented the last major battle in the Pacific with the Japanese fleet.?

Battle of Leyte Gulf

What represented the last major battle in the Pacific with the Japanese fleet.?

Battle of Leyte Gulf

WHAT BATTLE the last major battle in the Pacific with the Japanese fleet?

Battle of Leyte Gulf

The represented the last major battle in the Pacific with the Japanese fleet.?

Battle of Leyte Gulf