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Q: Why cristopher columbos recognise by America?
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What is christophere columbos famous for?

He is famous for discovering America.

What was cristopher columbus legacy?

He discovered America

What did cristopher Columbus do when he got to America?


Who is a famous voyager who explored Latin America?

Cristopher Culumbus

What is one famous voyager that explored Latin America?

Cristopher columbus

Where cristopher Columbus traveled?

Christopher Columbus traveled Cuba Spain and America

Why did Cristopher Columbus land on America?

He was seeking a western route to China and India.

Who sailed to the west indies and South America?

cristopher Columbus da cvczxn x mcx. m cristopher Columbus da cvczxn x mcx. m

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Why should cristopher Columbus get credit for finding America insted of leif erikson?

He no longer does.

Why did Islam in South America begin?

Arab traders arrived in south America and the Americas before cristopher Columbus..why did Christianity begin in America?..

How did cristopher Columbus find America?

He was trying to get to Asia by going around the world. He thought he was in india