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their called baby teeth because when ur a baby you drink just milk and i think that it shouldn't be baby teeth because babies don't have teeth!

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because they r more white as compared to their permanent counter parts

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Q: Why deciduous teeth are called milk teeth?
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What are your first set of teeth called?

Deciduous teeth can be translated as: "Dannedd llaeth" (Milk teeth) or "Dannedd babi" (Baby teeth)

What is the medical term meaning first set of teeth?

Baby teeth, milk teeth or first teeth. Baby teeth, milk teeth or first teeth.

What is the first set of teeth called in humans?

Enamel dum heads

What is the difference between milk and permanent teeth?

The deciduous (also called primary or milk) teeth are the first ones to appear and they are fully formed by age of 3. The complete deciduous teeth is 20. At age of 6 the first permanent teeth appear by displacing their predecessors. The complete number of permanent teeth is 32. Permanent teeth are stronger than the milk teeth. The word deciduous means to fall off or out. A tree that loses its' leaves in the Fall is called a deciduous tree. Ones that do not are called evergreens.

What is one name for the teeth you have as a child?

milk teeth Deciduous teeth. Reborner teeth. Baby teeth. Temporary teeth. Primary teeth. In Asia: Fall teeth. In Europe: Milk teeth.

What are deciduous teeth?

Deciduous teeth are what are commonly referred to as baby teeth - the teeth will fall out as they are replaced with permanent adult teeth.teeth that are losable

Baby teeth are called deciduous teeth?

Yes, they are.

What are the initial teeth called?


How are baby and adult teeth different?

BABY teeth known as milk teeth or technically called deciduous teeth are more whiter, smaller in size, and more spaced out. ADULT teeth also called permanetnt dentition is more yellowish, are larger, stronger and are closer together without spacing. and most importantly once you loose your adult teeth , that's it , they are not replaced. milk teeth are meant for replacement.

Why do dentists sometimes refer to a baby teeth as a deciduous teeth?

Deciduous means in and of itself means falling off or shedding deciduous. (n.d.). Unabridged (v 1.1). Retrieved December 18, 2007, from website: this would be why they refer to baby teeth as deciduous because they are shed. Baby teeth can also be called primary teeth, and also deciduous teeth.

Do only mammals have milk teeth?

Milk teeth would, by definition only occur in mammals, since mammals are the only animals that produce milk for their young. Other animals may well have a set of deciduous teeth that are replaced by adult teeth as they mature.

Baby teeth are called deciduous teeth. why?

Baby teeth are temporary primary teeth. They will be replaced later by adult teeth.