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Q: Why deos A mother has one allele for dimples and one allele for no dimples What is the probability that she produces a gamete with the allele for dimples?
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What is the probability that she produces a gamete with allele for dimples?


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What is the probability that a particular allele will be in a gamete?

chromosome segregationIf the character is governed by a single allele and it is dominant, than its probability to be in the gamete is 75%.

What is the probability that a father produces a gamete with the allele for attached earlobes if he has one allele for detached earlobes and one allele for attached earlobes?


How does this influence the probability of the gamete receiving a dominant allele for pea shape?

It has no effect on the probability of the gamete receiving a dominant allele for pea shape. wha study island love k (;

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A mother has one allele for color blindness and one Allele or normal vision what is the probability that her Gamete Will have the Allele for the color blindness?


A mother has one allele for color blindness and one allele for normal vision. What is the probability that her gamete will have the allele for color blindnessg?

50% (apex)

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What gamete can be made of BB?

A gamete containing a BB genotype will carry one B allele from each parent. This gamete will contribute one B allele to offspring during fertilization.

What is the probability of a gametes getting one of the parent's two alleles for a gene?

The probability of inheriting two alleles from the same person is 0%. The probability of inheriting an allele from each parent is 100%. You need more information for a more exact answer.

Is sperm gamete or zygote?

It is a gamete. Fertilization produces a zygote