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They are extremely vulnerable compared to developed countries because they do not have the money or resources which developed countries can access within days.

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Q: Why developing countries are very vulnerable to earthquake damage?
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Did China's earthquake damage evrywhere in China?

No, the earthquake only damaged the middle core of the country, specifically and especially in Chengdu. NO ,the earthquake didn't damaged Chengdu.It only damaged some small cities and countries in Sichuan province.

What's the definition of earthquake damage?

Earthquake damage is the damage to property and life from the ground vibrations during an earthquake. The Richter scale is one way to measure the scale of earthquake damage. For example, a magnitude of 5 is strong enough to damage weak buildings.

What damage did the valdivia earthquake cause?

The valdivia earthquake caused a lot of damage. But I am not sure what kind of damage it caused.

What caused more damage the tsunami or the earthquake in Japan?

well te earthquake caused the tsunami to hit so the earthquake did the most damage

What sentences offers the best argument that outsourcing jobs can damage health in developing countries?

Workers may be exposed to toxic materials in countries that lack safety regulations.

What is the type of earthquake that does damage to roads and buildings?

Depends on how hard the earthquake's damage done on the Richter Scale

What makes a place more vulnerable to earthquakes?

A place is more vulnerable to earthquakes if it is located near tectonic plate boundaries where movement and interaction of plates occur. Areas with active faults, such as the Ring of Fire, are also at higher risk. Poorly constructed buildings and infrastructure can also increase vulnerability to earthquake damage.

Annual cost of earthquake damage?

the annual cost of an earthquake depends on how big was the earthquake

How is 1.9 earthquake different from a 8.5 earthquake?

An 8.5 Earthquake is MUCH larger and does more damage.

What kind of damage did the famous earthquake did?

The earthquake damaged your grammer :P

Why was the earthquake damage so great?

Because it was a powerful, shallow earthquake.