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Of course its about money. It started way back in with the Tariff of 1816. England dumped a lot of cheap goods into the American economy. The Americans wanted no part " cheap imports" ( heard this Chinese cheap stuff) So congress wanted " protectionism" that is " importers must pay high tarriffs" that would make the USA stuff cheap and the imports more expensive. It didn't work. In 1824 they increased the tarriff's by 30%. The South didn't like the tarriffs. They sent raw goods to England and then they had to pay a high price to get back the " finished textiles" etc. In 1828 The British told the South, " We ain't buy'n your more." So panic instilled in the Southern Cotton Growers. So in 1833 Congress..( being more heavily represented by Northern industrialists who liked the tarriffs to build more infrastructure ..but didn't want war said, " Ok, we'll reduce the tarriff ( but only a bit) South Carolina and the representatives of that state were tired of giving their money to Northern Industrialists.. so they said, " We don't want to play your games anymore. We'll have our own country, our own laws and we'll sell our stuff to whomever we want.." Needless to say, that didn't go over well so Andrew Jackson sent Federal Troops to South Carolina to warn those Southerns, " You will pay with money or you'll pay with blood."

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Q: Why did Andrew Jackson send troops to the border of South Carolina?
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