

Why did Bell make the first telephone?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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Q: Why did Bell make the first telephone?
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Did Alexander ghram bell make the first telephone?

Yes Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone in 1876.

When did Alexander Graham Bell make his first telephone?


Who was the first one to make a telephone?

Alexander Graham Bell.

Did Alexander Gram Bell make the first radio?

Alexander Graham Bell didn't create the first radio. He created the telephone, didn't that ring a bell to you?

Where did Alexander graham bell invented the first telephone?

Alexander Graham Bell invented the first telephone in New Haven,Connecticut

For what is Alexander bell famous for?

Alexander Graham Bell invented the first working telephone.

Who what when were why and how was the first telephone invented?

Alexander Graham Bell invented the first telephones. Bell Canada, is known to be named after the deceased inventor of the telephone.

Who invented the first of telephone?

The inventor of the telephone was Alexander Graham Bell.

When was the first telephone box built?

The telephone was built by Alexander Granham Bell,but the first paitient FOR the telephone in 1876

What was the first telephone company?

ma bell was the first and the largest until they were forced to divert into differant companies due to monolopy charges

What tools did Alexander Graham Bell use to make the Telephone?

Alexander Graham Bell used many things to make the telephone but one that was known for was the microphone that was invented and sold by Granville T. Woods

Did the first telephone have a ringer?

No they rang a bell.