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She wants to experience sex as a human, and make love with Edward.

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Q: Why did Bella want Edward to do it with her in Breaking Dawn?
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Why does the wolfpack want to kill Bella from breaking dawn?

because Bella and Edward have made a vampire and also because Edward is going to turn Bella in to a vampire.

Why did Bella and edward want to lie?

If you were talking about in Breaking Dawn, when Edward and Bella get their new house, then Bella says that because she is in a rebellious mood - it is right before they are going to 'do it'. . .

In breaking dawn what does Charlie think Bella and Edward want to talk to him about?

that Bella is pregent... But they really just wanted to tell him that their engaged

Why does edward want to see Bella's thoughts again at the end of breaking dawn?

Beause hes nosy

Did edward want to have children with Bella?

No he didn't in Breaking Dawn Bella and Edward make love and later Bella realizes that she is pregnant. When she tells Edward he just stands there in shock and looks at the ground.

Do you get to watch the cullens graduate in new moon and eclipse for edward Bella and Alice?

well i don't want to be a huge spoiler but in breaking dawn edward, Bella, and Alice graduate

Who doesnt want Bella's baby to born in breaking dawn?

Edward and thw wolf pack don't want her baby to be born

What were the changes in Edward Cullen's character in Breaking Dawn?

He is mostly depressed, because he thinks his and Bella's baby that is inside of her is killing her and he does not want to change Bella into a vampire.

Did edward want Bella to abort when she was pregnant?

Yes, Edward did want Bella to get an 'abortion' in sorts, the baby was too strong for her, and he did not want her to die. There are of course hints in the book Breaking Dawn that proves this, he keeps saying things like "we will get that thing out of you".

Does Edward ever bight Bella?

READ THE BOOKS! you really don't want it spoiled for you... yes. in the last book, breaking dawn.

Why do theVoltori return for Edward and Bella in breaking dawn?

Irina sees Renesmee and believes she is an immortal child so the Volturi come to destroy her. They also want to add Edward,Alice, and Bella to there coven

Why does edward grab the wall in breaking dawn?

If you're talking about the honeymoon he grabs the headboard & crushes it 'cause he doesn't want to hurt Bella