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Q: Why did Calvin Coolidge send troops into Nicaragua?
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Where did Calvin Coolidge send troops?


Who did President Coolidge send to Nicaragua to negotiate an end to the Civil War?

Henry Stimson

Why did the united states send marines to nicaragua?

First, in 1925 Coolidge withdrew the marines from Nicaragua but then sent them back on 1927 to counter a revolution.

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the first president whose mother was present at his inauguration was James Garfield. I like so know mrs. siek did this for our classes.... FYI: its Jake mccrary. let me know if u see this.

What was Calvin Coolidge's philosophy of government?

Coolidge was in favor of small, honest and efficient government. He believed that the federal government should limit itself to those duties and powers given in the US Constitution. He believed the government should not interfere with or bail out big business any more than necessary to preserve competition. He went along with the prevailing idea that the US should not try to police the world nor send troops to foreign countries in peace time.

Did Hitler send troops to the future?

Hitler did not send troops to the future.

Who has the power to send US troops into battle?

the president has the power to send troops to the battle.

Why did president Washington send troops to northwest territory?

he send troops to protect them selves from the north

Where did Constantine Send his troops?

He sent his troops to Byzantium.

Where did Constantine send troops?

He sent his troops to Byzantium.

What other countries send troops into conflicts?

Any country with an army or militia will send there troops into a conflict or war.

What did president Andrew Jackson do in response to South Carolina nullification?

Jackson threatened to send federal troops to South Carolina to force them to comply with the law. Jackson did send troops.