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The workers who worked the grape vines were treated badly by the growers. They were made to work long hours without breaks and little pay, no restrooms were provided for them, they were given shorten hoes and tools ( this meant they were bending over all day), and were around sprays without protection. They were treated like slaves by the growers. When talks broke down between the UFW and the growers the boycott was called.

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12y ago
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15y ago

The growers treated the farm workers like slaves. They didn't allow them to take breaks, the their pay was bad, they had to work with shorten hoes and other equipment that hurt them, no restrooms or water were provided and the farmers wouldn't move on improving working conditions so the grape strike was called. I didn't eat grapes for 30 years to support the workers.

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7y ago

chavez and the UFW wanted to pressure growers to improve working conditions.

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9y ago

Chavez and the UFW wanted to pressure growers to improve working conditions.

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12y ago

so that

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Q: Why did Cesar Chavez implement a grape boycott?
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What activists organized a grape boycott?

Cesar Chavez

What boycott did Cesar Chavez organize?

The grape boycott was one of the major boycotts he organized, but he also did others.

Cesar Chavez brough national and international attention to the workers movement through his strike-boycott of?

Cesar Chavez led the United Farm Workers in a strike, boycott, and secondary boycott against grape growers. This was known as the Delano Grape Strike.

Which activist asked people to boycott grapes?

((apex)) Cesar Chavez kelsmo m.k. :) <3

What strategies did both Cesar Chavez and the UFWOC use to achieve their goals?

In 1970,they issued a boycott that convinced most table grape growers to sign contracts with the UFWOC.

What was the reason behind the table grape boycott?

Cesar Chavez had called it on behalf of the UFW (United Farmworkers Union) in order to receive better working environments for Mexican migrant workers in grape fields full of pesticides.

What did Cesar Chavez do to get the grape growers to sign contracts with his union?

started a protest

What happened with Cesar Chavez in 1969?

He signed a contract with teh grape growers

Cesar Chavez brought national and international attention to the workers movement through his strike boycott of?

When farm workers initiated the Delano grape strike in 1965, to protest for higher wages, Chavez supported them. Six months later Chavez led a strike of California grape pickers. The United Farm Workers encouraged all Americans to boycott table grapes as a show of support. The strike lasted five years.

What did Cesar Chavez do to become famous?

Cesar Chavez lead the movement to unionize Hispanic farm works, initially in California, and became famous because of the grape boycott that was part of that effort.

What state did Cesar Chavez led a strike to demand higher wages for grape pickers?


What significant events Cesar Chavez life shaped their commitment to civil rights?

Delano grape strike