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Christians didn't there has always been both, they represent different things.

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Q: Why did Christian's change the symbol of the fish to the cross?
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What do the Christian symbols mean?

The cross is the main symbol of Christianity. It serves a reminder to Christians of the price that was paid on their behalf by Jesus Christ. The are a number of variations; Catholics have Jesus on the cross, but Protestants have the cross empty because the cross was not the end and Jesus is now risen.

What are Christianity symbol?

The cross is the main one, the fish is another.

What symbol did christians draw in the sand to identify each other?

the sign of a fish...

The Christians symbol?

The first widely adopted symbol was the fish, perhaps in commemoration of the initiation of two of the disciples with the expression by Jesus, "I will make you fishers of men." A later symbol which has become almost universal in the various christian churches was the roman device of torture upon which Jesus was crucified--the cross.

What does the fish stand for?

The fish was a secret symbol used by Christians to identify them selves to each other. as in Jesus was a fisherman of souls.

Where is the fish symbol mentioned in the Bible?

A:The fish symbol (Ichthys) is not mentioned in the Bible. The symbol now commonly used by Christians was formerly used quite widely as a sacred symbol of the female vulva. The fish Goddess, Aphrodite Salacia, was worshipped by her followers on her sacred day, Friday, when they ate fish and engaging in orgies. Just as the early Christians adopted pagan feast days in order to divert worship away from pagan deities, so they adopted the fish symbol and ate fish on Fridays, but of course did not engage in orgies. The original symbolism has long been forgotten, and the symbol is now associated by most Christians with the concept of 'fishers of men'.

What is the Meaning of the Jesus fish?

The Koine Greek word for fish is 'Ichthys' which is a symbol of intersecting arcs made to resemble a fish - used by many of the early Christians as a symbol of their belief and following of Jesus Christ - sign of the fish or Jesus fish.

What is the meaning of a Jesus fish?

The Koine Greek word for fish is 'Ichthys' which is a symbol of intersecting arcs made to resemble a fish - used by many of the early Christians as a symbol of their belief and following of Jesus Christ - sign of the fish or Jesus fish.

What is a fish sticker at the back of the car means?

The Icthus fish symbol was a secret symbol used by early Christians during the persecution of the Church by Rome. It was an acrostic, made up from the letters in the Greek alphabet. It has latterly been used by modern Christians as a message to fellow Christians that they meet on the road.

This is an early Christian symbol representing peace?

A couple symbols that come to mind are the cross and the fish. The cross is a reminder of his crusifiction, dying on the cross for us, and his life. The fish was created so that Christians could communicate with each other without being arrested by the Roman Empire. At the time, christians would draw the symbol with a piece of chalk, and being just two lines, it was a very quick, easy, and unconspicuous way to identify each other.

What is the symbol of Christianity?

The Cross is the symbol most commonly associated Christianity == == The cross symbolizes the resurrection of Jesus Christ, the crucifix is the representation of Christ on the cross (His sacrifices), and the Ichthus which looks like a fish (or otherwise known on the television series, Seinfeld, as the Jesus Fish). Please see links to follow.

What is the smybol of Christianity?

There are many different symbols in Christianity. The fish is a very important symbol that started at the beginning of Christianity. It was a symbol used by hidden Christians to find other hidden Christians (because being a Christian was illegal and could result in death). They would draw one half of the fish and the other person would draw the other half if they were a Christian.The cross is also a big symbol in Christianity. It is an obvious symbol because it was the way Christ died.The dove is also a symbol. When Christ was baptised, God came to Earth in the form of a dove.