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Constantine had hoped that the Christian Church would be a unifying force in his vast empire, but to his dismay found Christianity riven by divisions and disagreements. He called the Council of Nicaea in 325 CE, to reach agreement on beliefs and practices that should then become common throughout the Christian Church.

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The Council of Nicaea was called at the urging of Constantine in 325 A.D., Constantine suggested the Council of the pope, Sylvester I, and provided for the transportation for all the Bishops to journey to Rome. He also covered their expenses, but the Holy Father would have been the one to decide for a Council and to convene it.

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Q: Why did Constantine decide to call the Council of Nicaea in AD 32?
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Did Constantine make the Nicene Creed?

AnswerThe Roman emperor Constantine did not personally develop the Nicene Creed, but he did call the Council of Nicaea and lend it imperial authority in its deliberations. The bishops present at the Council decided matters of theology, but looked to Constantine for leadership.

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Roman Catholic AnswerThe First Council of Nicaea held in 325 A.D. was attended by the Emporer Constantine. However, he did not call it, only the Holy Father, the Pope in Rome, can call an Ecumenical Council. It produced the Nicene Creed.

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A:Emperor Constantine called the Council of Nicaea, meeting in 325 CE, to discuss and resolve various differences among the Christian bishops. Bishop Alexander of Alexandria had, around 318, already declared heretical the views of Arius and had him, and the clergy who supported him, excommunicated. In order to fully exclude Arius, Alexander introduced a motion opposed to what had become known as Arianism and had the wording that Christ was "of one being with God" adopted at Nicaea.

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Constantine was baptized by Pope Sylvester I in 314 or 315. Only a Catholic could call a Council, as he did: The Council of Nicea, and hence, he had to be baptized into the Catholic Church prior to 325. Although not a bishop, he called the assembled bishops there "brothers".

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The original Bible (written in Hebrew, Chaldean, and Greek with later translations into Latin, Coptic, Ethiopian, Syriac, Armenian, etc.) was all finished long before the Council of Nicaea. No new Bible was written at that or any other council. This question indicates a severe confusion and misunderstanding in the mind of the asker as to both the origin/history of the Biblical text and the nature/purpose of the Church Councils.

Who built the catholic church?

If you mean who founded the Catholic Church, then the answer would be Jesus (or, if you want a more secular answer) Peter. In the New testament, Jesus asks his disciples "Who do you say I am". Peter answers "You are the Christ, the son of the living God". Jesus replies "Indeed, You are Peter (petros mean "rock" in greek) and upon this rock I will build my church" Peter becomes the first Pope. The above is from a religious viewpoint. From a historical standpoint it can be said that the followers of Jesus in Jerusalem (in the first century) started a movement that solidified at the First Council of Nicaea in 325 A.D. This council united (more or less) all the branches of what we call Christianity. The council was called by Emperor Constantine I. So, from a historical (rather than purely religious viewpoint) you can say the Catholic church was built by Constantine I.

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What typed of democracy did Athens have?

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Nicene creed 325 ad?

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