

Why did Descartes not get up before 11am?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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he had a sleeping disorder

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Q: Why did Descartes not get up before 11am?
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Why did Descartes's not get up before 11am?

he had a sleeping disorder

Why did Descartes not get up before 11 am?

Descartes is known for his dedication to work and routine. It is likely that he chose to stay in bed until 11 am in order to spend time thinking and reflecting in solitude before beginning his day. This practice may have helped him focus and generate new ideas.

Why did Descartes not wake up before 11 am?

Descartes had the habit of sleeping in and waking up late, often not rising before 11 am, due to his belief that morning hours were unproductive and better spent in bed contemplating his philosophical ideas in a relaxed state. He felt that he was most creative and productive in the quiet, solitary hours of the night and early morning.

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Because of his delicate health, Descartes was able to stay in bed until he was ready to wake up.

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