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Q: Why did Europeans move to the English Colonies in the 1600's and 1700's?
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What was the relationship with the English Colonies and Engalnd from the 1600s to the 1700s?

new England was were people from England settled in during the 1700s.

Why did people in Europe decide to move to the british colonies during the 1600s and 1700s?

The people in Europe decided to move to the colonies during the 1600s and 1700s because they wanted religious freedom.

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Around the 1600s through the 1700s.

Which of these is a similarity between English settlers of Massachusetts in the 1600s and German settlers of the 1700s?

English settlers of Massachusetts in the 1600s and German settlers of the 1700s both wanted religious freedom.

Why did people in Europe decide to move to the colonies during the 1600s and 1700s?

they wanted a better life for family and start a new life

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The English (Britain)

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The land enclosure in the 1600s and the 1700s resulted in larger farms.

Which of these is a similarity between English settlers in Massachusetts in the 1600s and german settles in the 1700's?

English settlers of Massachusetts in the 1600s and German settlers of the 1700s both wanted religious freedom.

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What is a similarity between English settlers of Massachusetts in the 1600s and the German settlers of the 1700s?

they wanted religious freedom.

How did South Carolina colonies talk in 1700s?

When the colonies were first founded, the settlers were English, so they talked with an English accent.

What is the similarity between English settlers of Massachusetts in the 1600s and German settlers of the 1700s?

They both wanted religious freedom.