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Q: Why did Galileo think Venetians would be interested in the telescope?
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Why did people think that Galileo made the telescope?

people think Galileo made telescope because he was the first one made up telescope

What happened to Galileo after his ideas?

I think that it was expected to make the first telescope.

Who one do you think got it right Aristotle or Galileo?

Galileo got it right. But he had built a telescope so he had an advantage.

Who first looked into space and how?

I don't know who but I think a telescope. Galileo looked was first to look through the telescope.

What Italian scientist invented the telescope?

okay every one some people think Leonardo DA Vinci invented the telescope but it was really Sir Galileo sincerely, a girl ( a real girl no lies) Leonardo Da Vinci nor Galileo invented the telescope. All Sir Galileo did was improved it He did not invented it from a boy (a real boy is smarter than a girl)

Did Galileo cheat by making the telescope?

I think this is what you mean: He didn't invent the telescope, but he didn't mind that people thought he did. He did make some changes to it, and he used it to great effect.

What did Galileo see when he observed craters through a telescope?

the moon. if u don't believe me, check. if I'm wrong, do u think i care?

What would have happened if Isaac Newton hadn't been born?

There would not be any info about the solar system and a telescope would not have been invented ( I Think) No one would have invented gravity & then where would you be ? (Joke !) I think the telescope was Galileo, it pre dates Newton.

What are things that make Galileo faomous?

One of the things that made him famous is that he improved the telescope. Many people think he invented it, but he didn't. He also invented the pendulum.

When did Galileo discover Saturn's rings?

Galileo worked in Italy. He did not discover Saturn, it was known to ancient astronomers, but he discover the rings, with his telescope. He wanted to keep the discovery secret, but at the same time he wanted to claim the credit for the discovery, so he published the announcement in the form of a Latin anagram.

How did Galileo think?

Galileo,thought wery badly.

What did Galileo Galilie discover?

Telescope Actually, Galileo did not invented the telescope. But he did build his own, improved telescope. His was the 1st telescope strong enough to actually view the planets and stars in space. The first telescope (called a spy glass) used one convex lens and one concave lens. Galileo perfected it by using two convex lenses. Galileo also invented the Geometric compass which was use for calculations and for measurements The pendulum clock was another invention Galileo worked on but it was invented by Christian Huggens im not sure but i also think he invented the thermometer and barometer but u should search for it