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In war -to the victors go the spoils !!.

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Q: Why did Germany invade the countries that Germany invaded?
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Where did Germany invade?

Germany invaded France and Poland also it invaded Austria. World War 2 started because Germany said to England they wouldn't invade Poland but they did - so Poland is the easiest country to remember that was invaded!

What countries did Stalin invade when Germany invaded Poland?

stalin attacked on one side of poland and also invaded FINLAND :)

Where else did Hitler invade besides Germany?

Hitler also invaded Poland along with many other countries! Hitler didn't invade Germany. The Nazis invaded Poland, France, and the USSR. This is after they annexed Austria and the Sudetenland of then Czechoslovakia.

What else did Germany invade?

Germany has a history of invading other countries. On the 15th of March 1939, Germany invaded Sudetenland which was part of Czechoslovakia. They would later invade the entire Czechoslovakia later in the 1940s.

What places did Germany Italy Japan invade?

The countries that Germany invaded were France, Yugoslavia, Norway, Greece, Netherlands, Western Poland, Denmark, Belgium and Luxembourg. The countries were invaded between 1939 and June 1941.

What countries did Germany invade?

In the Thirties, Germany occupied Austria and, later, Czechoslovakia. On September 1, 1939, Germany invaded Poland, which triggered World War II. Germany then invaded numerous other countries including most of Europe and north Africa.

Who invaded neutral Belgium to invade France?


Did the red army invade Germany?

No. The Germans invaded Russia.

What country did Germany invade on september1 1939?

They invaded Poland.

What countries did Germany invade during the battle of Dunkirk?

They invaded Poland, Germany, Norway, and etc.

What countries have Albania invaded?

Albania is the one that's invaded we have no power to invade anyone

what countries did Germany invade which caused Britain to invade the Nazis?

The first country was Poland. On 1 September 1939, German forces invaded Poland so on 3 September 1939, Britain and France declared war on Germany.