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God already knew where Satan has been, it was a hypo question, if you read the whole account you will understand that God already knew where Satan had been as he rightly said has he Satan set his sights on job his servant. Knowing that job is an earthling son of his (Gods) and lives on earth. Another reason why God asked Satan where has he come from? Is to show that he gives free will to all his creature's throughout the universe, also giving them freedom of speech so they can explain their actions (rightly or wrongly). This is another quality of God. God will teach if you will listen.

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Q: Why did God ask Satan where he has came from if He is all knowing?
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There are no specific gods of pot in traditional mythology. Some modern spiritual practices like Wicca or certain branches of paganism might associate cannabis with particular deities, but this is not a universal belief.

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Lucifer [aka Satan] does not have any sons. However, Satan has many followers: the one third of the angels who also fell with him, and the unsaved of the earth. Therefore, to avoid becoming a son of Lucifer you must become saved .

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One example of irony in the story of the fall of Satan is that he rebelled against God, the very being who created him and gave him power. Another example is that Satan's desire for power and glory led to his downfall, showcasing the consequences of pride and vanity. Additionally, the fact that Satan sought to overthrow God, who is all-knowing and all-powerful, is also ironic.

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God has ALL power over Satan also the question is phrased ridiculously its not like God needed Satan to give Him a reason. Satan was and IS defeated because he was is and always will be totally AND COMPLETELY underneath Him! God defeated Satan, in terms of the sacrifice of Jesus, by making the ultimate atonement for the worlds sins, by sending a second 'Adam' to complete what the first Adam could not do when he fell. Jesus, who by being born of a virgin was not born in sin, was the only one able to stand in the place of the first man Adam and every human who came afterwards, and be without sin, perfect and pure on our behalf. once you look at that, there really is no question :) God bless you all!!!!!!!