

Why did Harry Potter think Severus Snape was brave?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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Severus was pretending to be a death eater, spying on the Order of the Phoenix. When he was actually a Order of the Phoenix member, pretending to be a death eater spying on the Order. He risked his life for years to try and save Lily and then Harry.

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Q: Why did Harry Potter think Severus Snape was brave?
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Why did Harry Potter name one of his kid serveus?

Because in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows it turns out that Professer Severus Snape was a incredibly brave man so Ginny and Harry named their kids Albus(after Dumbledore) Severus(after Snape)

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there are a lot of brave people in the series. Harry considers Snape as the "Bravest man I ever knew".

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From Severus Snape Wikipedia: 'In an interview, JK Rowling adds that Snape is immensely brave, and when asked if she considers Snape a hero, she replied: "Yes, I do; though a very flawed hero."'

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Three, James Sirius, Albus Severus and Lily Luna Potter.Harry Potter and Ginny Weasley get to have three children: James Sirius Potter, Albus Severus Potter, and Lily Luna Potter. James Sirius Potter is named after Harry's father and godfather. He enjoys bullying his younger brother, Albus Severus, who is named after two brave headmasters of Hogwarts and looks exactly like Harry, except that he has the eyes of Harry's mother, Lily, was quieter than James and was a year younger than James. Lily Luna was named after Harry's mother, Lily, and one of Harry's friends, Luna Lovegood. She was two years younger than Albus.

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He is very brave.

Why is Harry brave in the chapter Quidditch?

If you have not read the 7th book don't read this. Snape and Harry mother Lily lived near one another when they were children and they were friends. Snape was the reason Harry parents died he told the location where they were staying and all those years he lived with that regret and turned away from Voldermort. In the final book Snape gave Harry his memories of him(Snape) so Harry can figure what was left of the Horcruxes that needed to be destoryed so in giving Harry that memory he also gave him knowledge of how to finalley destory Voldermort.

What is Harry like in Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone?

In Harry Potter and the Philosopher's (Sorcerer's) Stone,Harry is 11 years old, and he lives a very sad and lonely life with his Aunt Petunia, Uncle Vernon, and cousin Dudley Dursley. In this book Harry is slightly confused, extremely happy to be away from the Dursleys, and shocked to find himself a wizard. he is also skinny and lanky with (stating the obvious) black hair, green eyes, a scar and glasses.

What does Harry Potter have in common with his friends?

They're brave and loyal to eachother.

What Harry Potter movie did Dobby die in?

Professor Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore dies in Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, both the book and the movie. He's killed by Professor Severus Snape with the Avada Kedavra spell after Harry and Dumbledore had been to the cave where they found a Horcrux that turned out to be fake. In Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, it's revealed that the death was planned between the two of them.

How was Harry brave in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets?

Harry Potter was brave in the second book in many ways. He was brave flying the Ford Anglia to Hogwarts, in the Quidditch match against Slytherin by asking to be left alone to deal with the Bludger that had targeted him, going to the Forbidden Forest and finding Aragog, and going into the Chamber of Secrets.

What are characteristics of Harry Potter?

Brave, Outgoing, Determined, Passionate, Good Friend, and quick tempered.

What happens finally in Harry Potter and the Deathley Hallows 2?

It turns out Professor Snape could of been Harry Potter's dad. Snape knew his mother LILY as a child and he loved her. But when they went to Hogwarts Lily fell in love with another boy (Harry's father) and Snape was jealous. Lily and the boy who was Harry's father got married and had Harry But there was some sort of accident and Harry's father was killed. Lily was all "Be brave Harry, be brave" then she saw Snape and started hugging and hugging him and he hugged her back but she just suddenly died. Harry had his fathers strength and his mothers eyes so when Snape was dying he looked into Harry's eyes and remembered Lily the tears fell from his eyelids and Harry then collected them and used them to find out about Snape and how he loved his mother. It turned out Snape was never cross or angry at Harry, he cared for Harry all that time but no one ever knew it. Harry was ever so upset when as soon as he found out about this but wouldn't tell Hermione or Ron. He needed to keep it to himself. They also find out together that Harry had a part of Lord Voldenort inside him which allowed him to feel feelings if Lord Voldenort (Tom Riddle) felt them strongly. It hurt a lot feeling something strange in your mind which you were not feeling so Harry was getting worried. Harry was killed but suddenly he recovered somehow. Then his part of Lord Voldenort was gone and then Lord Voldenort well Harry finally defeated him! All his friends turned out okay except for the fact Ron's brother was killed. Hermione fell in love with Ron and they got married and Harry and Jinny got married and they were happy. They all had kids and sent them to Hogwarts and that was the end! PS Dobby dies in part 1 and they bury him at the start of part 2.