

Why did Hitler kill the Europeans?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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13y ago

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Hitler did not kill the Europeans he killed the Jew's. Thoguh Hitler would have killed any European in Germany that did not agree with him.

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Did Adolf Hitler kill europeans?

Almost all of the people that Adolf Hitler killed were Europeans. A European is defined as a person who lives in the European State. It doesn't define what ethicity they are, or what their religion is. Therefore the Jews Gypsies, spies, French/Belgian/Dutch/German/Italian/Yugoslav resistance, British Soldiers and anyone else who lived in Europe during the war were Europeans. He therefore by definition he was responsible for the deaths of millions of Europeans. If your question appertains to "Did Hitler kill white people in Europe" (As in Aryans that he describe as his 'master race' in 'Mien kampf') then yes he killed a large number of these too, since most Scandinavians (Norway, Sweden, Denmark) conform to Hitler and the nazi parties definitian of an Aryan, and he was responsible for killing quite a few of them. Simply put, Hitler and the Nazi party killed anyone who stood in their way, contradicted them or they didn't like.

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Why did hitler kill himself. For real

What made Hitler kill?

There was problems in Germany so he blamed the Jews and that is what made Hitler kill.

How many people planned to kill Hitler?

5 million Jews wanted to kill Hitler.

If Hitler was Jewishwhy did he kill Jews?

Hitler was not Jewish.

Why can't you kill Hitler?

Hitler is already dead.