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Jackson was portrayed as an average American by his party. That contrasts with the almost aristocratic air of the previous presidents. Combining that with his belief that the people control a democracy makes history view his election as an ascension of the masses.

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He never talked about how well off he was and he was seen as someone just like them. This was his persona that he was the "common " man.

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Q: Why did Jackson supporters view his victory as a win for the common people?
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Why was Jackson win hailed as a victory of the common people?

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Why was Andrew Jackson's win hailed as a victory of the common people?

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Some memorable conclusion about Andrew Jackson?

Andrew Jackson wanted all of his friends and supporters to be in government positions. To this end, he removed over 900 people and placed his supporters. He also established the Democratic party.

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of the eastern aristocracy. Jackson, a self-made man from the frontier, appealed to the common folk with his promise of greater opportunities and a government that would be more responsive to their needs. His victory marked the beginning of a new era in American politics, characterized by a shift in power towards the common man.

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The Common People

Why did Jackson supporters think he should have won the election?

Jackson supporters believed he should have won the election because they saw him as a champion of the common people and a defender of their interests. They admired his military background, his reputation as a self-made man, and his commitment to expanding democracy. They viewed him as an outsider who could challenge the entrenched political elite and bring much-needed change to the country.

How did the victory at New Orleans change the American peoples views of Andrew Jackson?

it made the American People think of Andrew Jackson as a "Hero".

Which groups supported Jackson in the election of 1888?

The common people wanted a president that supported them. John Q. Adams only supported the "elite" or rather rich nobles. After Jackson became president he swtiched from a federal bank to the state banks. Since Jackson had the banks under the "rule" of his friends , the banks went into a crisis (Panic of 1837). The crisis was caused by : 1) Bad loans and printed worthless money(inflation).Inflation:Rapid production of money which causes the value of the money to decrease.(money without value)I hope this helps

What jobs were given to people just because the supported Andrew Jackson in the Spoils System?

Jackson gave his supporters all the jobs in the government. He filled his cabinet with them, and gave them secretary postitions

Who was part of the Jacksonian Democracy?

Individual freedoms are best protected by state governments.

Jackson was a champion of the common people?

Yes, Jackson was a hero in America. His victory at New Orleans over the British during the War of 1812 made him into a national celebrity, this, and the fact that he was seen as a man of the people both contributed to his election as President.

Jackson thought what people were eligible for office holding?

He believed in a policy where office positions were appointed to political supporters who would be rotated in and out of office.